"Miss Slav" 
New International beauty Pageant in Paris 

Paris is a magical city - a capital of love and fashion. In this fabulous city took place the first ever beauty pageant.

Although during the initial years the feminist movement considered these pageants as "bourgeois nonsense", starting from the beginning of the 20th century, beauty pageants were adopted by the whole world.

Today we can enjoy watching the Miss Monde, Miss Universe, Miss International, Miss France and many others. All of these competitions are highly entertaining and very popular with media and the viewers.

Miss Slav  is a new beauty pageant. It is based on the legendary beauty of the Slavic women. 
The final event of the competition will take place in the memorable Vianey Salons, located in the heart of Paris and overlooking the beautiful Sekwana. The event will start with  fashion show, which will be followed by well-known Slavic artists. A formal dinner will conclude the event.

Miss Slav celebrates the  beauty of Slavic women by choosing the most appropriate background – city known as the world capital of love and fashion – the unforgettable Paris.

As the creator and organizer of the Miss Slav Pageant I would like to invite all Slavic women to join us in this celebration of our heritage.

Since Miss Slav Pageant  will be an annual affair and I promise you that our association will turn this event into most prestigious, memorable, and equal to the legendary beauty of Slavic women.
         Anna Piskor


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 logo2  mario  vianey
 lcrb  tyskie  caro